April 11-12, 2015: This seminar is a hands-on course covering basic celestial theory, sight reduction of sun, moon, planets, stars and specialty sights such as the noon sun sight and latitude by Polaris.
The class covers related topics such as time and time zones, sight planning, sextant accessories and offshore navigation plotting techniques, especially dead reckoning. Practical plotting of each kind of sight, as well as celestial running fixes, is covered in detail.
Sextant use is discussed during one session but no sights actually are taken during the class. The emphasis is on practical use of celestial navigation, with plenty of pencil and paperwork. (Up to a dozen sights are reduced and plotted during the weekend, with numerous additional exercises using H.O. 249 and H.O. 229 in conjunction with the Nautical Almanac.)
Students will find the Introduction to Celestial Navigation seminar to be a comprehensive, yet fast-paced, celestial navigation course. Over the past dozen years, alumni have navigated in Marion-Bermuda Races (even won on occasion!) and have made numerous celestial-only ocean crossings.
A review of basic navigation concepts such as chart work, plotting, true to magnetic course conversion, DR, time/speed/distance, etc. is recommended.
Students should bring to class:
(1) Current Nautical Almanac (either blue or orange version)
(2) Volume 2 of H.O. 249 (Volume 1 H.O. 229 is optional)
(3) parallel rules and dividers
The Sippican Women's Club is located on Front Street near Tabor Academy in Marion, Mass.
Course hours are 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Saturday and Sunday, April 11-12, 2015
Your instructor is Tim Queeney, Editor of Ocean Navigator. The cost is $295 per student, $450 per couple payable by April 6th, 2015 by check or credit card.
David P. Jackson
P. O. Box 760
Rockport, ME 04856
Tel. 207-236-7014
Cell phone: 207-542-5801
e-mail: education@oceannavigator.com
Location: Sippican Women's Club, Marion, MA
For those eager to get a head start, reading one of the following books before the seminar would be helpful:
Celestial Navigation in a Nutshell by Hewitt Schlereth, or
The Celestial Navigation Mystery Solved by David Owen Bell
For sextant use and care, try The Sextant Handbook by Robert Bauer