Posted July 27, 2021 Honolulu, Hawaii – An enduring service provided by the Transpacific Yacht Club is maintaining one of the largest and most impressive perpetual trophy collections in the ocean racing world. Dozens of works of art crafted in silver, pewter, brass and bronze, along with traditional Hawaiian materials like Koa wood, canvas, cord and reeds, have accumulated over the 115 year history of this race, first sailed in 1906. Deeded by numerous past winners and generous patrons of the race, these trophies are not only stunningly beautiful, they are a visual reminder of the admiration and respect conferred…
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Honolulu, Hawaii – By now the stories of massive waves, sustained high speeds, and record runs coming into the docks at this year’s Transpac are starting to sound routine. This year’s race was epic, everyone agrees, thanks to a perfect weather scenario allowing for sustained high-speed sailing. Teams came in a day ahead of their hotel bookings and thus hung out at the bars of the Waikiki and Hawaii Yacht Clubs, enjoy terra firma and strong doses of Hawaiian hospitality poured into pineapples. Yet another common them emerged as well: the strong interest in preserving the interest and opportunity to…
Read More One week into the race, Technical Editor Dobbs Davis of Seahorse Magazine gives his view of the weather conditions on the race course, positioning strategies and tactics of the teams, and some projections of what's to come for the fleet using the YB tracker software. From the Transpac website:
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July 19, 2021 Well it has been an eventful 24 hours - the best of times and the worst of times (but not too bad, though)! First, on a positive note, the water maker is fixed and showers are back on the itinerary - yea! Bubblemaster Mark figured it out and the tank is filling as we write this. The fix still really works only on starboard tack, which we will be on most of the time. We expect it to be warm enough in a couple of days to wash up. Now, on the other end of the spectrum, last night at 11:15,…
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WATCH HERE. Third wave of the fastest boats get the fastest start in the 2021 Transpac. Powered by the best breeze of the week – 10-15 knots at the start off Point Fermin – today’s final 19 entries in four divisions vaulted off the start line towards Honolulu from Los Angeles, USA, 2225-miles away, in the 2021 Transpac. These are the fastest boats in the fleet entered in Divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4, and vary from 52 to 77 feet in length, with all expecting a speedy passage ahead. The current monohull course record set by the VPLP 100 Comanche…
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Seahorse Technical Editor Dobbs Davis gives his Day Two analysis of racing in the 2225-mile LA-Honolulu Transpac. Today's show highlights the Division 8 fleet's getting off the coast in their first 48 hours of racing and reaching the strong offshore northerlies that are now propelling them what towards Hawaii.
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This July is the 51st running of the Transpac Race, the signature west coast offshore race, 2,225 miles from Los Angeles to Honolulu. And for this running of the race, Ocean Navigator is an official race sponsor. The seamanship, navigation, route planning and watchstanding efforts exhibited by the race crews are the same skills that voyaging sailors undertake every day in their passages. This makes ON’s sponsorship of the Transpac an excellent match. The race, run every two years, began in 1906 and was hosted by the Los Angeles Yacht Club. The current host of the race is the Transpacific…
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In 2019, my husband, Doug Pasnik, and I raced our first Transpac together with a team of 10 on our Andrews 70, Trader, comprised primarily of military veterans (see story on page 22). This year we are doing the race again and inviting four mentees from The Magenta Project to race with us.  Established in 2015, The Magenta Project is a “collective of passionate people committed to developing pathways and generating opportunities for women in performance sailing” ( Founded by members of the all-women SCA team who ran a successful campaign in the 2014-15 Volvo Ocean Race, these women know…
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Editor’s note: In July of 2019, after 10 days on the race course, the Andrews 70 sloop Trader crossed the finish line in Hawaii to complete the 2019 Transpac Race. Trader’s race wasn’t a winning effort according to the official race results, but for “Team Trader” the completed race was a resounding success, the result of intensive planning and training of a team of 10 sailors, many of whom were military veterans with little or no offshore sailing experience. As Team Trader prepares to compete in the 2021 Transpac, 2019 race navigator Erik Burian, a retired U.S. Navy nuclear submarine…
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