Time on Ice

Time on Ice

A Winter Voyage to Antarctica

by Deborah Shapiro and Rolf Bjelke

Wintering in Antarctica was not Ernest Shackleton’s idea of a good time. He so clearly described what a miserable time it was in his book Endurance, in fact, it was assumed that no one would want to sail ever again near the desolate continent, let alone spend the winter there in a small boat.

Knowing this, Deborah Shapiro and her companion Rolf Bjelke deliberately wintered over in Antarctica aboard their boat Northern Light. They survived (even enjoyed) the ordeal, and wrote an adventure-filled book. Time on Ice is remarkable because the pair documented their voyage so well — no frigid details are absent.

International Marine, Camden, Maine; 1-800-262-4729; 298 pgs.; $27.95.

By Ocean Navigator