It’s All the Buzz – Don’t Miss the Third Annual Camden Classics Cup, July 26-28

CAMDEN, MAINE: Presented by Lyman-Morse, the Camden Classics Cup, now in its third year, is a two-day regatta that opens the classic racing season in Maine. The Cup is the anchor event of Camden Classics Week, a week of destination racing to and from Castine, Brooklin, and the outer islands; youth sailing; music, fine arts and film centered on the picturesque waterfront of Camden, Maine. It’s a perfect week of racing, cruising, and serious camaraderie. The 2018 Camden Classics Cup dates are July 26-28. Classics Week wraps up Friday, August 3rd.

Registration is open and this year dockage at Lyman-Morse at Wayfarer is included in the registration fee. As a result, 24 boats have registered as of end March. Dockage is limited, so sign up today. There is also an Early Registration discount if you register before June 1. Proceeds from the Camden Classics Cup go to LifeFlight of Maine, with $50 of every registration fee going to this essential life-saving service. Last year, the Camden Classics Cup presented LifeFlight a $10,000 check thanks to sponsorships and participation.

Regatta highlights and public events include harborside viewing of the Maine Maritime Museum Parade of Sail on Saturday, July 28 at 10am. The Camden Classics Cup fleet in dress ship parades through Camden Harbor. It is an elegant spectacle and a crowd pleaser. After the Parade of Sail, the public can view and talk to owners of some seriously beautiful classic European sports cars at the Lyman-Morse at Wayfarer yard. A big-time fireworks display over Curtis Island Saturday night caps off the regatta. As summer approaches, other events will be added to the event schedule. Past activities have included a play and outdoor movies at the outdoor Amphitheater, lectures with a maritime theme at the Camden Yacht Club, and a musical at the Camden Opera House.

For regatta participants, CRF, Spirit of Tradition and PHRF racing on Friday and Saturday will be followed appropriately with post-race celebrations. Friday night’s dock party at the Rhumb Line, the go-to harbor bar and restaurant at Lyman-Morse at Wayfarer, sets the tone. Post-race festivities peak Saturday night with a dance party at the Camden Yacht Club. Party goers will dance the night away while enjoying delicious gourmet grazing. An awards ceremony wraps up the
regatta Saturday night.

A new addition to the fleet this year is a Small Boat Division for sailing yachts of a waterline length of 24 feet and under. Camden Classics Cup is working with Alec Brainerd, president of Artisan Boatworks to develop this class. “We hope to draw in Dark Harbor 20s, North Haven Knockabouts (AKA Dark Harbor 17s), and Camden HAJ boats,” said Brainerd. “These classic fleets are integral to our summer sailing scene here in Penobscot Bay. It will be great to get them involved in the Camden Classics Cup.”

For sailors aged 12-17, the Camden Classics Cup Youth Regatta will be held Friday, July 27. Come watch the area’s best junior sailors compete on 420s. This special one-day race will be held just outside Camden Harbor. 48 racers aboard 24 boats are expected. There is no charge to participate. Maine, Boats Homes & Harbors will provide the awards and French & Brawn will supply lunches.

“Including a youth sailing event with the Camden Classics Cup is a wonderful way to introduce youth sailors to skippers meetings and ratings discussions that they normally wouldn’t see,” said Drew Lyman, President of Lyman-Morse. “It’s also a way for the entire midcoast area and the town of Camden to get more involved with sailing and on-water activities. Youth racers will attend the CCC Skippers Meeting Friday morning and on Saturday they will have the opportunity to be invited aboard the classic boats for the 10am Parade of Sail in Camden Harbor as well as the possibility to race in Penobscot Bay on Saturday afternoon.”

Participating sailing programs include Camden Area Youth Sailing Program (CAYSP); The Rockport Boat Club; The Apprenticeshop, Rockland; North Haven Casino; Castine Yacht Club; George Stevens Academy; Lincolnville Boat Club and Tarratine Club of Dark Harbor.

Last year, a beautiful and diverse fleet of 39 yachts gathered for the second annual Camden Classics Cup. From the Vintage Class, Chris Bouzaid’s Luders 24 Leaf won the overall contest Cup between the Classic and Vintage Classes and was presented with the sterling silver Tiffany Cup. Mermaid, a custom Sparkman &Stephens design owned by Brooke Parish, won the Classic Class; Burt Keenan and Mystery, a Center Harbor 31, won the Spirit of Tradition Class. Ron Breault, owner of Marionette, took home top honors in the one-design class of S&S-designed Dolphin 24s.

It was a weekend of great racing and equally memorable parties for a great cause in a great town. Registration is open and NOR and SI are posted on the event website.

Renewed Sponsorship as of March 20, 2018 is greatly appreciated from these businesses and organizations:
Presenting Sponsor: Lyman-Morse
Commodore Sponsors: Allen Insurance & Financial; Stephens Waring Yacht Design
Partner Sponsors: Artisan Boatworks; Awlgrip; Browne Trading Co., Camden National Bank; Maine Boats Homes &
Harbors; Points East; WoodenBoat
Marine Sponsors: AGA Correa & Son; Camden Coast Real Estate; Epifanes; Landvest; James L. Gribbel and Stephen Roop,
at Morgan-Stanley; Teakdecking;
Classic Sponsors: Camden Falls Gallery; New England Yacht Insider’s Guide; Newport Harbor Guide; PG Willey; RedZone;
Superyacht Services Guide; Thompson Bowie & Hatch
Local Sponsor: 250 Main, Martha Coolidge Design

For more information and a complete schedule:

By Ocean Navigator