Furuno has release a new integrated system called NavNet 3D. Here is a brief summary of the system’s highlights from contributing editor Chuck Husick:
Charts are “official”
The navigation charts you see are the official US Government NOAA RNC (raster navigation charts), ENC (electronic navigation or vector charts) and bathymetric charts, presented in MapMedia 3D architecture. The complete US chart library, including Alaska and Hawaii, is preloaded in the system memory. Chart updates, including the most current high-resolution (50 cm/pixel) satellite images of land areas can be downloaded from a Furuno website whenever desired, transferred onto an SD card and plugged into either of the system’s two SD card slots to transfer the information to the system’s memory. Satellite images are precisely overlaid on either RNC or ENC charts in what Furuno identifies as a “Fused” mode that presents the maximum of useful photographic information without obscuring any of the charted navigation information.
Native 3D, instant 2D
Chart and satellite image information is always present in 3D format. The chart view is controlled seamlessly and ranges from conventional 2D vertical oblique to 3D at any desired look angle and orientation. Chart zoom range is continuous from 2,048 miles to 0.125 miles. The system’s TimeZero™ technology, a combination of software, a high-speed processor and a powerful graphic engine eliminates the need for re-drawing the screen. The effect is similar to the display flexibility seen in virtual reality programs, video games and Google Earth.
Point and click, scaleable controls
The NavNet 3D system is controlled through a scalable point and click interface that operates without resort to soft keys or the need to access complex multi level menu trees. A display key selects the desired data presentation. Two four-way cursors, the RotoKey knob (a combined rotary and dual function press to select control) and the display key provide immediate access to all control functions. The four-way cursor control pad provides computer mouse-like point and click control and access to multiple levels of on-screen information. A second four-way scrolling pad controls the chart scrolling and panning functions, with instant return to ship’s position and toggling between 3D and 2D image presentation provided by the Ship / 3D key at its center. Toggling the range key controls the step-less TimeZero chart zoom function. The instantly accessible depth of control can be scaled by the user from a minimum, “top level” setting that is easiest to manage and appropriate for routine operation to maximum, providing immediate access to all levels of control at the press of a key. The control functions managed by the cursor control pad are also available through a USB mouse or trackball.
A radar that sees twice
Unlike any previous Furuno radar the new UHD radar can function as two radar sets, each providing a no-compromise radar image covering any range within its specification limits. Displayed as a split screen each radar has its own complete compliment of controls. Antenna scan rates of 24, 36 or 48 rpm are automatically selected as a function of range to ensure the most effective data acquisition rate. Digital signal processing (DSP) improves antenna sidelobe suppression and enhances the visualization of difficult targets. The UHD radar’s automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA) tracks up to 30 targets. AIS information can be overlaid on both the chart and radar with a combined maximum of 30 ARPA /AIS targets.