There’s nothing like pent-up demand. With the cancellation of the 2020 race due to COVID, a significant number of our entrants simply rolled their entries over to 2022. Add to that a healthy dose of new and returning racers from prior years, and we have a very complete entry line.
A bit over a month ago, we had a flood of entries from the larger “sled-like” boats. One can only assume that the rumor mill got churning among that crowd as they assumed — correctly — that we might be activating the waiting list. The sudden rise in entrant count led us to activate the wait list.
As of today, we have 90 boats enrolled as entrants and a fluctuating number on the wait list. “There’s usually about a 30% dropout,” says Commodore Jim Quanci. “We’ve always been able to start everyone who signs up.”
The waiting list filled up rapidly and we have, for now, closed the list in order not to raise false hopes.