A big part of successfully owning and operating a power voyaging boat is dealing with engines and systems. Even if you don’t do the work yourself, you’d better know enough about these areas to know what’s wrong and how to communicate that to a technician. One way to get this information is to attend a seminar such as the Trawler and Motor Vessel Technical Training workshop on Oct. 15 and 16 at Deltaville Boatyard in Deltaville, Va.
Leading this class will be ABYC Master Technician and systems expert, Ocean Navigator contributor, lecturer and marine industry consultant Steve D’Antonio. He’ll be assisted by fellow ABYC Master Technician and southern Chesapeake Bay’s Deltaville Boatyard proprietor Keith Ruse; Ocean Navigator contributor, lecturer/author and circumnavigator Ralph Naranjo; and trawler specialist, Ocean Navigator contributor and broker Jeff Merrill. Attendees will receive graduate-level training in a variety of mechanical and electrical systems. An optional daylong pre-workshop session on Friday, Oct. 14, hosted by American Bow Thruster, will provide attendees with a full day of hydraulic systems review, instruction and troubleshooting technique.
The workshop on Oct. 15 and 16 will include both classroom PowerPoint presentations as well as hands-on mechanical and electrical training and demonstrations in a boatyard shop setting, using an operating diesel engine, fuel system, batteries and electrical system mock-ups, as well as participating vessels’ engine rooms. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own digital multimeters.
Afternoon classroom session subjects delivered by Ralph Naranjo and Jeff Merrill will include weather for mariners, watch-standing technique, anchoring and “dialing in your trawler.” Those attending the workshop event by boat will be eligible for free dockage and engine room reviews by lecturers.
If interested in attending, contact katie@stevedmarineconsulting.com, or call 804-776-0981 for additional information. To register, visit the event’s web page at http://stevedmarineconsulting.com/trawler-workshop/.