Digital Yacht, a marine electronics company headquartered in the U.K., recently unveiled a somewhat different product development strategy: using Kickstarter to fund an interface box call iKommunicate that uses the new open source Signal K approach to connecting marine electronics with the so-called "Internet of things." The idea behind Signal K is to allow smart devices like phones and tablets and more to get into boat networks as peers. The iKommunicate box would be a interface box that helps make that happen.
Digital Yacht's Kickstarter approach seems to have struck a nerve in the marine electronics realm. After only a few days the campaign has blown by its original goal of $20,000 and as of this post has raised more than $80,000 for the iKommunicate Signal K box. It certainly appears that this project is going forward.
Even if you're not ready to contribute to iKommunicate development, head over to the Kickstarter page anyway, there's a great write up and video on what Signal K is and its possible significance for the future.