Sixteen-year-old Australian sailor Jessica Watson is 100 days into her attempt to become the youngest circumnavigator in history, and the voyage has been uneventful so far&mdashWatson is 1,500 miles ahead of her anticipated position. Competition for the title of “youngest circumnavigator” has heated up, however: Abby Sunderland, another sixteen-year-old, from California, departed on her own round-the-world bid on January 23rd. Abby’s older brother, Zac, took the same title in 2009, only to lose it weeks later to then 17-year old Briton Michael Perham. Abby is determined to get the record back in her family’s hands.
Read more about Jessica Watson’s voyage from Australia’s ABC News…
Read more about Abby Sunderland’s departure from the Los Angeles Times…