Storms and Wild Water
By Dag Pike
Sheridan House,
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y
Boating journalist Dag Pike speaks from experience when he describes the awesome power of the sea. During his 60 years going to sea, he has survived more than 30 severe storms, encountered rogue waves and been rescued 10 times. An accomplished powerboat racer, Pike served as navigator aboard Virgin Atlantic Challenger on their record-breaking fastest Atlantic crossing by powerboat.
Now in his new book Storms and Wild Water, Pike reflects on the power of the sea, its often unforgiving weather and its effect on the boats and ships that ply the waves.
The book is a personal account of some of the worst weather he has experienced at sea as well as a collection of stories and anecdotes of rescues, losses and ships fighting for survival on wave-tossed waters.
Pike mixes in a bit of meteorological science as he describes the formation of tropical storms, hurricanes, Pacific cyclones, tsunamis and whirlpools and discusses some of the technological advances that have improved ship safety.
The book’s photographs are dramatic and haunting, especially for anyone who has experienced the ocean’s fury first hand.