The Starpath School of Navigation in Seattle is offering mariners live ship weather reporting service for within 300 nautical miles of their location. The complimentary service is based on reports compiled by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration though the National Data Buoy Center in collaboration with the U.S. Voluntary Observing Ship Project ( and includes ship transmissions made during the past six hours.
To use the service simply send an e-mail to: shipreports@ Include your latitude and longitude in the body of the e-mail and do not include a signature. You will get back the reports by return mail almost instantly. The reports also provide additional information on weather and sea conditions as observed by the reporting ship, and in some cases, a weather reporting buoy.
For detailed explanation of the reports send an e-mail to with “help” in the subject line (again, no signature) and you will receive instructions.
Starpath School of Navigation also offers a free way to calibrate your barometer. Visit for more details.