Offshore Emergency Medicine

7 – 9 April 2011
Denver, Colorado

This is the popular and successful seminar by the Ocean Navigator School of Seamanship and Wilderness Medical Associates, offering relevant and practical training for the cruising sailor and professional mariner. The curriculum emphasizes the understanding of body systems and principles to best prepare the medical officer to improvise and adapt to the infinite variety of situations that the open sea can present. Classroom instruction is tied to the student’s own experience through the liberal use of case studies, scenarios, and hands-on assessment problems in a marine context.
The course will be held at the Renaissance Denver Hotel, 3801 Quebec Street, Denver, Colorado. Lodging is available at the rate of $129 per night until March 6th.
For more information please visit or contact:
Instructor Jeff Isaac, PA-C, 970-275-4999,
ONSOS Director David Jackson, 207-236-7014,
Jeffrey Isaac, PA-C

By Ocean Navigator