Webinar: How to keep water out of your cored fiberglass, cabin, hull or deck
A single misplaced or improperly installed canvas snap, through hull or pad eye can insidiously cause tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of damage, and lead to potentially serious structural weakness and failures.
When a boat leaves a factory or service yard with improperly closed-out core, where for instance caulk is relied upon to keep water out of core material, it’s a case of the proverbial ticking time bomb, one that will ultimately cost someone, it may be the builder, or the yard, but more often than not the financial burden will be borne by one of the vessel's owners; someone will pay, and often a lot, either for the repairs or in diminished resale value. The good news, it’s all avoidable.
In this webinar, marine industry veteran and consultant Steve D’Antonio will walk attendees through common core-related installation errors, and then explain, using a variety of images, the steps required to avoid and/or correct them. This session is a must for the owner of every fiberglass vessel, as well as anyone engaged in fiberglass boat building, as well as installers of gear such as life rafts, windlasses, seacocks, antennas, tenders, cranes, navigation lights, canvass etc., anytime a saw or drill is taken to cored fiberglass structures, the rules Steve shares will apply.
When: Monday, September 14, 2020 – 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM ET (approximately 90 minutes for the lecture, and 30 minutes of Q&A)
Delivery: Zoom Video Conferencing
Fee: $95.00
This presentation enables professional attendees to accumulate two continuing education units (CEUs), for members of the Society of Accredited Marine Surveyors (SAMS), National Association of Marine Surveyors (NAMS) and those maintaining American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) marine technician certifications.
For more info or to register, visit https://stevedmarineconsulting.com/upcoming-sdmc-webinar/