. . . I don’t mean the half hitch, clove hitch, or rolling hitch variety, but the more traditional marriage knot.
I was sitting in the cockpit with a cup of steaming coffee enjoying the comings and goings of harbor traffic when a church-like building came motoring by. Later I learned that the small house under the steeple roof is a navigable watercraft offering weddings on the peaceful waters of Tampa Bay. The floating chapel also hosts christenings, memorial services, renewal of vows, and any other chapel oriented services. According to the brochure, the captain in a four-striped dress uniform is a notary public with the authority to sign a Florida marriage license.
“With stunning stained glass windows, cathedral ceilings, pew seating for 100 guests and a small outdoor deck, your wedding aboard the
Floating Chapel will be an intimate and charming experience that your family and friends will remember for a lifetime.”