Spring Boat Shows are Gearing Up in Annapolis

Annapolis, Maryland. April in Annapolis means the awakening of the boating season, including powerboat and sailboat activities at two spring boat shows.   Bay Bridge Boat Show featuring the Nautical Flea Market , Arts and Crafts kicks off the season on April 18-21 just over the Bay Bridge on Kent Island. This show is in its 31st year, includes over 200 new and brokerage powerboats, and will feature a Thursday evening cocktail reception, PropTalk Magazine's extensive boat demonstration program, children's activities, free boating seminars presented by Chesapeake Bay Magazine and Annapolis School of Seamanship, great door prizes, and a large food court.
The following weekend, the second running of the Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show and Cruisers University comes to town. Ego Alley and surrounding docks will fill with sailboats, both new and brokered. Catamarans, mono hulls, inflatables, day sailors, and paddle boats will complement nearly 150 maritime exhibitors on City Dock. The expanded footprint will accommodate an even more impressive array of products and entertainment than in the show's first year, which welcomed visitors from over 30 states and around the globe.

Cruisers University has developed into one of the most well respected educational forums for people considering life aboard a cruising boat. As a feature of the spring events the past two years, Cruisers University has welcomed cruisers or future live aboard boaters from around the country. High profile subject matter experts are assembled to present well over one hundred hours of education on much of what you'll need to know before you leave the dock. Concentrated courses are available on Diesel Maintenance, Weather Forecasting, and a new comprehensive program for Cruising Women.   One, three, and four-day tuition options are available with over fifty elective classes to choose from, giving each participant a customized learning experience.

 A complete description of the curriculum, lists of meals, evening social events, and all boat show features is available on the United States Yacht Shows web site: www.usboat.com. Phone: 410-268-8828.

By Ocean Navigator