Simple, seaworthy offshore cruiser


Canadian online book publisher, author, and offshore cruising/liveaboard sailor John Harries has been developing the concept of a simple, rugged and affordable offshore cruiser. His basic idea for the boat is that of a no-frills, purpose-built offshore yacht that can be easily managed by two. One that is fitted with easily maintained practical systems, and a boat that will retain a respectable resale value even after years of use.

Harries has tossed the idea around on his blog, Attainable Adventure Cruising (, and has been flooded with comments from serious sailors who support his concept and see a real need for a solid, affordable boat that will increase participation in offshore sailing.

The enthusiasm is there, but until now Harries lacked a like-minded, experienced designer, and a builder to make what has been dubbed the Adventure 40 a reality.

Recently Dutch designer and experienced high latitude cruiser Erik de Jong stepped up to the plate and expressed interest in designing and building the boat. Uniquely qualified, de Jong comes from a family of boatbuilders and is a naval architect and engineer. His own boat, Bagheera, is a 50-foot steel, high latitude expedition boat of his own design and build that he operates from his base in the Canada Maritimes.

Together Harries and de Jong plan to move forward with the project and via the blog 97 people have already signed up to buy the boat.

At a sailaway price of $200K the Adventure 40 appears to be a very practical solution for sailors who are serious about offshore cruising, but have been unable to afford much of what the market has to offer.

By Ocean Navigator