Intelligent Maintenance announced the latest addition to its range of boating software, ShipShape Pro for iPad. The application is geared toward use by individuals, boat maintenance professionals, charter companies, fleet operators and boatyards. It will accommodate any size or type of vessel and is modular in its design.
The software ships for use with one vessel, but additional boat records may be added as an in-app purchase in packs of one, five or 10. ShipShape Pro’s design incorporates a comprehensive suite of maintenance features, including:
Manage boats: a fleet management summary highlighting overdue tasks and unresolved faults by boat.
Address book: all boat-related contacts located in one place.
Boat: essential boat details and safety information immediately accessible in one place.
Tasks: fully user-editable auto-predicted maintenance actions with pre-programmed maintenance actions for over 200 common items.
Hours: maintenance for each item of equipment can be set by elapsed time or elapsed time/hours.
Faults: faults log with photos, date, notes, priority assignation and by whom resolved.
Equipment: record all equipment together with photos and notes; assign maintenance responsibility; allocate to Locations/Lists, plus a quick-add feature for over 200 commonly used items of equipment.
Costs: details, types, amounts and totals, filtered by date and type.
Checklists: create checklists, review completion status and reset for future use.
Set-up tasks: all maintenance tasks can be individually tailored to the boat.
Trips: a record of when, where, who, weather and what happened with photos; share Trips Report with crew and friends.
Reports: reports for print, email or send as PDF
The app is available through iTunes and is only available for iPad. For more info, visit