Road to Havana

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Road to Havana
By Richard de Grasse
Infinity Publishing
332 pages

Richard de Grasse's first novel, Road to Havana, is the story of an American single-handed sailor on a passage to Mexico. While making a port call on Havana, he is suddenly and unwittingly caught up in romance and politics — difficulties exacerbated by a stowaway on his small sloop during a time of dramatic turmoil and political change in the fictionalized Cuban government.

In Road to Havana he tells his tale as only an experienced sailor with first-hand knowledge of blue water sailing and the island nation can. With a keen eye for detail, he weaves a story to which any voyaging sailor can relate and it is no surprise that many of the characters and predicaments come from his own experiences. His prose is smooth and infectious making it a perfect read afloat or ashore.

De Grasse lives with is wife Kathleen in Isleboro, Maine, and aboard their 34-foot sloop Endeavor, based at Boot Key Harbor in Marathon, Fla. His previous work includes a number of short stories including The Old Man in the Stream, for which he won the annual Key West Writers Guild Award.

With Road to Havana under his keel, I'll be looking forward to hearing more from this veteran cruiser and very talented wordsmith.

By Ocean Navigator