The National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Commerce Department have withdrawn a proposed rule that would have imposed speed limits on boats operating off the East Coast of the United States.
The rule was originally published in the Federal Register on Aug. 1, 2022, to amend the North Atlantic right whale vessel speed regulations. “NMFS withdraws this proposed rule in light of numerous and ongoing requests from the public for further opportunity to review and engage with the Agency on the proposal,” the fisheries service said in a statement. “NMFS’s existing vessel speed regulations remain in effect.”
The proposed rule was intended to reduce the likelihood of fatalities and injuries to endangered North Atlantic right whales. The rule would have expanded the size class of regulated vessels subject to applicable vessel speed restrictions, enlarged the boundaries and extended the timing of seasonal speed zones. It would have also introduced mandatory dynamic speed zones when right whales were known to be present outside active seasonal zones, clarified language related to enforcement of the rule and updated the safety deviation provision and reporting requirements.
The fisheries service received about 90,000 public comments on the proposed rule. They addressed many concerns that would have impacted commercial and recreational anglers and pleasure boats.