Down East
A Maritime History of Maine
by Lincoln P. Paine
While Hank and Jan Taft’s Cruising Guide to the Maine Coast, which has recently been republished by Curtis Rindlaub, provided the cruising sailor with a regional bible of useful information on anchorages, hot showers, and provisioning, Down East, A Maritime History of Maine, can fill in as the cultural companion to such a cruise. Lincoln Paine, whose previous book Ships of the World,was published in 1998 by Houghton Mifflin, has produced another engaging volume of history and reference.
Down East includes a description of the coastal economy, particularly how the vessels themselves developed to serve the needs of this region. Paine also offers interesting predictions for the future of Maine’s economy, which he predicts will be every bit connected to the sea as it has been in its past.
Tilbury House/OpSail Maine, Gardiner, Maine; 800-582-1899; 180 pages; $14.95.