This is a texbook; it says so in the introduction, which was written by American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) instructor and curriculum designer Ed Sherman, who uses the book in his seminars. That the book is endorsed by such an august body is promotion enough, but the book is also easy to read and enjoyable (for those who find beauty in the order of things). The author guides the reader from the very beginning with Ohm’s Law (with enthusiastic salvos: “I believe you will find electricity to be fun.”) and an introduction to basic circuitry.
He then builds upon the flow of electricity to the construction and use of batteries and alternators, and the uses of DC and AC in boats. He also includes miscellaneous chapters on solar and wind power, converting vessels to liveaboards and installing electronics. For anyone who has put off learning the basics of electricity and its application on boats, here’s the chance to come out of the dark and into the light. International Marine/McGraw Hill; 280 pages; $35.95.