Recent decades have seen a plethora of cruising guides on just about every cruising ground imaginable. It's likely only a select few of these books make it to a second edition. John Harries and Phyllis Nickel's Norwegian Cruising Guide, however, first published 35 years ago, has sailed way past that, achieving impressive seventh edition status. When you go through so many editions, you must be doing something right. And, in fact, circumnavigator and boatbuilder Steve Dashew calls it "The best cruising guide I have ever used." Hard to get a more enthusiastic endorsement.
According to Harries and Nickel, the guide (available as a three-volume printed book or ebook) is the most complete, most up-to-date guide to the coasts of Norway, Svalbard and the west coast of Sweden. Aided by such expert advice, you now have no excuse for not including Norway in your cruising plans!