For mariners who are intimidated by the standard fire extinguisher,
First Alert, the safety products company probably best known for its smoke alarms, has just introduced a smaller, aerosol-can type fire fighting tool called
Tundra. According to First Alert, Tundra Fire Extinguishing Spray is designed for consumers looking for a safety product that is easier to handle during an emergency.
Tundra Fire Extinguishing Spray contains a powerful, proven and effective liquid firefighting agent and familiar spray nozzle design that is easier to operate and covers a wider surface area &mdash up to three times greater than a typical actuator. Performance tests also show that the discharge time for Tundra Fire Extinguishing Spray is up to four times greater than typical fire extinguishers, giving users more time to fight the fire. Tundra Fire Extinguishing Spray is effective on common fires including paper, fabric, wood, cooking oil and electrical fires.
Chris on 02/28/2007 17:55
Coast Guard Approval?