I just read the item on the seven-masted schooner Thomas W. Lawson (“The most-masted schooner ever built,” March/April 2000, Issue No. 104). I was shipmates with an AB in a Liberty ship in 1945 who was in his early 70s or thereabouts at that time and he sailed in the Lawson in those early years. I recall he said the crew named the seven masts after the days of the week as it was so complex giving orders otherwise. Starting forward, the first mast was Sunday, then Monday, etc. I don’t recall if those names were used throughout her short life or just with the crew and officers he sailed with at that time. I’m 71 years old now and retired after 44 years at sea, six years in the U.S. Navy and 38 years with American President Lines. I enjoyed the article very much. I would appreciate any further comment on the mast names.