Matt Rutherfords solo voyage around the Americas


It has been four months since Annapolis, Md., sailor Matt Rutherford set out from Chesapeake Bay aboard a 27-foot Albin Vega sloop. His intent — to sail single-handed, east to west through the Northwest Passage, south to Cape Horn and back to the Chesapeake — a 23,000-nautical-mile journey around the Americas. If he succeeds he will become the first person to complete the challenging trip solo. Rutherford is undertaking the voyage to benefit Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating, a group that makes sailing a reality for the disabled.

Rutherford is well on his way. He has successfully transited the Northwest Passage ahead of the ice and is now southbound through Alaskan waters. If all goes according to plan he hopes to round Cape Horn by early March 2012 and make his way home before next year’s Caribbean hurricane season. At 80 miles a day the entire voyage will take about 10 and a half months — non-stop.

For more information on the voyage and Chesapeake Region Accessible Boating visit Rutherford’s website at

By Ocean Navigator