Kiwi Spirit abandons circumnavigation


After consulting with Farr Yacht Design and Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding, builder of Kiwi Spirit, Stanley Paris, 76, has decided to abandon his dream of being the oldest sailor to complete a solo circumnavigation in 120 days.

Paris was forced to end his voyage in Cape Town as a result of several critical equipment failures that would make any venture into the Southern Ocean less than prudent. He said that there would not be a second attempt.

Following damage and technical difficulties, on Jan. 11 Paris wrote in his blog, “And so I have decided to abandon and head for Cape Town, some 1,700 miles away. To continue in the face of the sage advice above [from builder and designer] would be foolish in the extreme, and cruel to my wife, family and friends. I must now abandon this dream.

“Life is full of disappointments- some big, some small. This is a big one as it involved four years of planning and execution.

“I should say I am sorry to disappoint so many. But there is one thing I can say and that is, ‘I tried,’ and that my spirit did not give up until those that I must respect made it clear to me that it was over.”

Paris’ decision to abandon his dream is disappointing, but a decision that any prudent mariner would be forced to make, and be respected for making. Hopefully Paris will continue to sail his capable Kiwi Spirit for years to come and take comfort in a job well done.

By Ocean Navigator