Most voyagers have been visited by flying fish at one time or another. After they dive kamikaze-like into the sails and fall helplessly to the deck, they are thrown back to the sea or played with by a curious crew. Maybe they’re cut up for bait or thrown into the stew pot when the provisions are desperately low and the crew needs some protein.

We're planning a feature story on flying fish in a coming issue (by frequent contributor Pete Taylor) and would like help producing some art for the feature. If you have been visited by flying fish lately and have photos, fish prints (when you paint a fish and stamp the image on a piece of paper or a T-shirt), digital video clips or any flying fish art, please send it our way. We'll publish your work with the story or on our website. (Please, don't send any fish through the mail, though.) Please send flying fish art to Twain Braden, Ocean Navigator, 58 Fore St., Portland, ME 04101.