Seminars with Nigel Calder
October 28 - October 29

A Deep Dive into Boat Electrical Systems with Nigel Calder
Electrical systems are the leading cause of problems on boats that have more than a rudimentary electrical system. Most of these problems are preventable; they arise from a failure to abide by core design and installation principles.
To take a deep dive into both design and installation issues, OceanPlanet Energy (OPE), in collaboration with Professional Boatbuilder magazine, Ocean Navigator magazine, and BoatHowTo.com is sponsoring an intense two-day seminar developed and presented by tech guru Nigel Calder, author of the best-selling Boatowner’s Mechanical and Electrical Manual.
The seminar is grounded in the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) standards for safe installations. But this is not an ABYC class because, as Nigel points out, “you can have a safe installation that nevertheless functions poorly”. We go beyond the standards to explain how to optimize performance.
Topics include key design criteria for both DC and AC systems; how to keep batteries in a healthy state; newer technologies that are transforming the performance of electrical systems; sizing and installing electric circuits in compliance with ABYC standards; critical safety issues related to AC systems; corrosion; and grounding systems. We highlight commonly seen electrical installation errors, including on new boats, and how to rectify them. We include hands-on terminal crimping practice because poorly made terminals are the bane of many an otherwise decent electrical installation.
Nigel has built a demonstration board that contains the core pieces of equipment referenced in the presentation, and which illustrates design choices. OPE brings related equipment. We simulate electrical faults on the demonstration board and explore multimeter troubleshooting techniques.
We cover a lot of ground! This seminar is designed to be accessible to the inexperienced, but this does not mean it will be easy, even for those with prior experience, including some professionals. Class sizes are limited to maximize interaction with the participants.
There is no way anyone can absorb this volume of information in two days. At a minimum, we want participants to leave with the ability to check a boat for common installation mistakes, to understand and be able to do basic wiring and electrical installations, and to be able to safely conduct simple multimeter troubleshooting procedures that will enable most electrical problems to be identified.
We send everyone home with a ‘to do’ list of critical checks for any boat, and a deck of almost 600 slides for future reference. The objective is to raise the confidence levels of boatowners, and to provide professionals with a perspective that goes beyond ABYC standards to optimized functionality.
OPE is holding the seminars in the Spring and Fall, just outside of the main tourist season, in the newly renovated Hyatt Place hotel in downtown Portland, Maine. The Hyatt is situated in the center of the vibrant old district, surrounded by historic buildings, with excellent restaurants and numerous places of interest within walking distance. The hotel has a free shuttle service to and from the easy-to-transit Portland regional airport. There is an excellent buffet-style breakfast that is included in the seminar’s discounted room rate. OPE provides lunch, and refreshments throughout the day. Seminar participants are on their own for dinner.
This is a unique opportunity to spend time with Nigel, participate in a strictly limited and intense marine electrical education opportunity, and enjoy Portland, Maine, a popular destination city.
For information contact OceanPlanet Energy: seminar@oceanplanetenergy.com
Nuts & Bolts
$700 per person or $1,200 per couple. Registration is limited to 40 participants.
Ticket includes:
Two-day seminar with refreshments and box lunch each day (please let us know if you have special dietary needs; we will do our best to accommodate these but cannot guarantee this).
Access to a Hyatt group room rate of $139 + taxes ($149 for October dates), with breakfast included; the group rate is good for three days prior to, and after, the seminar and must be booked 30 days in advance.
Cancellation policy:
- Full refund if you cancel 30 days or more before the seminar start date.
- Half refund if you cancel 7 days or more before the seminar start date.
- No refund 6 days or fewer before the seminar start date.
- In the event of any emergency or situation beyond OPE’s control that makes it impossible for OPE to conduct this seminar, OPE’s liability is limited to a full refund of the ticket price.
- In the event of any emergency or situation beyond Nigel’s control that makes it impossible for Nigel to conduct this seminar, OPE will use its best endeavors to supply content of a comparable value; if participants wish to withdraw, OPE will issue a 50% refund
- Participants are responsible for making their own hotel reservations; the group rate option expires 30 days prior to the seminar ; thereafter reservations will be based on availability at the Hyatt’s standard rates.