Doctor on Board

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Doctor on Board – Your Practical Guide to Medical
Emergencies at Sea
By Dr. Jurgen Hauert
Sheridan House,
Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.

Any medical crisis aboard a boat requires swift attention, and this new illustrated guide by orthopedic and emergency medicine specialist Dr. Jurgen Hauert is a great resource for treating a wide variety of ailments and injuries at sea.
While not a substitute for more advanced first-responder training, it provides a quick reference when dealing with everything from severe bleeding, shock, wounds, fractures and dislocations, and more.
The book is clearly illustrated with excellent photos and drawings along with bulleted procedural lists to simplify speedy diagnosis and treatment. Hauert also provides guidelines for immunization, your well-being while on board and how to prepare for rescue and evacuation. Doctor on Board also includes a fairly comprehensive formulary aimed at seafarers embarking on extended voyages. Highly recommended, it is a useful addition to any ship’s library.
By Ocean Navigator