Boaters with an interest in Florida anchoring rules have until Oct. 9 to complete a survey aimed at guiding the state’s future mooring regulations.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission developed the 2016 FWC Florida Anchoring Survey, and the agency is encouraging boaters to share their experiences with the pilot anchorage program.
The pilot program was established following a 2009 state law preventing local governments from enacting local mooring rules. The law allowed five municipalities to work with local boaters and interested parties to test policies that promote public access, improve safety and protect maritime infrastructure and the environment, among other goals, according to a BoatUS news release.
“With the expiration of the pilot program on July 1, 2017, we expect the Florida legislature will look at this survey data when they take up topic again next year,” David Kennedy, the BoatUS government affairs senior program manager, said in a statement.
“We don’t want to return to the broken and confusing system of local laws that make legitimate cruisers unwelcome in some local waters,’ he continued.
Additional information and updates on Florida's pilot anchoring program can be found here.