Comment on All is Lost and win a signed poster


The release of the new sailing survival film All is Lost, starring Robert Redford and written and directed by J.C. Chandor, has prompted debate from sailors about the merits of the film. Does it accurately depict modern ocean voyaging? Is a feature film that highlights offshore sailing something that sailors should celebrate? Or is the movie too negative and will that scare people away from the sport?

Ocean Navigator's publisher, Alex Agnew, weighed in on the film in a recent article in the Portland Press Herald. A group of sailors were invited by the Press Herald to screen the movie and then give their reactions. You can read the piece here.

We want to know your take. Leave your comments about the film below. Let's see what the Ocean Navigator readers think of All is Lost. We'll pick one commenter to win a movie poster for All is Lost signed by writer/director Chandor. If you comment annonymously, make sure to leave us your e-mail address in your comment so we know how to contact you if we deem you the winner.

By Ocean Navigator