Noted sailor and skipper Guo Chua announced recently that his team built to challenge the Northeast Arctic Ocean Record is ready to go. The team, which features premier sailors from Germany, Russia and France, will be lead by Chua, the world’s leading Chinese sailor, and will be promoting a message of “Peace and Sport,” an idea that Chua feels is expressed by the team’s international makeup. The team notably features a collaboration between Chinese and Russian sailors exactly 70 years after the end of the Second World War. Chua is the first Chinese skipper to lead a major sailing team, and a documentary about Chua entitled “Chua’s Ocean” will be produced by the team’s Chinese media partner Demedia. The team is also working with Monaco based political organization “Peace and Sport,” from which it takes the message it is spreading with its voyage. Chua and his crew will depart from Northern Russia on September 3 to sail their craft Qingdao China across the Northeast Arctic route, which ends at the Bering Strait. If successful, it will set a new world record for continuous sailing in the Northeast Arctic region.
Chinese sailor will challenge Arctic Ocean Record