1. HO is 79° 29.6’. 2. Latitude is 38° 27.5’.
1. HO is 15° 39.6’. 2. LHA is 31°. 3. Intercept is 13.4 nm Away. Note: The moon tables are on the back pages of the Nautical Almanac. Read the directions carefully. All corrections are added, unless doing an upper limb shot of the moon. Note: In last month’s problem, there was a mistake in the plotting solution. The line of position actually fell almost on top of the DR.
1. HO is 18°48.2’. 2. LHA is 285°. 3. Intercept is 8.8. nm Away at 074°. 4. Estimated position is 15° 25’ N by 52° 08’ W.
1. LHA is 32°. 2. Ho is 12° 26.7’. 3. Intercept is 14.7 nm toward. 4. D. EP is S 54° 45’ by W 62° 12’.
1. What is the GMT? 2. The captain observes the sun with an Hs of 12° 30.’ Find the HO. 3. Calculate LHA. 4. Using HO249, Volume 3, calculate intercept LOP. Then plot estimated position. 1. GMT is 20:15:59. 2. HO is 12° 37.7’. 3. LHA is 62°. 4. Intercept is 36.3 nm away at 244°. Estimated position is N 46° 24’ by W 58° 14’.
A. 14:30:20 GMT B. Ho of the sun is 21° 17.0’ C. N 45° 19.6’
A. Find LHA of Aries. B. The three stars are Hamal with an Ho of 41° 40.7’; Achernar with an Ho of 20° 12.3’; and Altair with an Ho of 42° 28’. Compare with the Hc of the stars as calculated in Ho 249 and find intercept and bearing. C. The AP is N 5° by W 85° 08.6’. Precession and nutation is 3 minutes at 70°. Find the fix. A. LHA of Aries is 346°. B. Intercept for Hamal is 15.3 nautical miles away, Zn is 063°. Intercept for Achernar is 13.7 nautical miles away, Zn is 159°. Intercept…