Sorry Dad, it looks like I will miss another of your birthdays. It seems that this is one of the prices that we who take to sea in boats must pay. While we are out here seeking adventure and excitement birthdays come and go, loved ones live and die, and yet we sail on unknowingly.
Our reasons for going to sea are as varied as the individuals we are. Perhaps it is the pure air we breathe, or the countless stars in an undiluted sky. The taste of a well earned delicious meal, the challenge of a life with out as many comforts. Some take to the sea to run from situations ashore, problems on the beach seem minute when compared to the teeth of a gale. This list could go on infinitely.
So at the end of the day when we find ourselves looking West into the setting sun, often the question is asked. Is it worth it? Then as the sun slips beyond the horizon and the mysterious green flash briefly lights up the heavens, the answer is revealed.
Happy Birthday Dad.