Dana Point, CA – (April 1, 2014) – Pacific Asian Enterprises, Inc. (PAE) is pleased to announce the 2014 Nordhavn Rendezvous taking place this year at its new headquarters in Dana Point, CA. This will be the brand’s 6th Rendezvous and it is poised to be the most spectacular yet. Nearly 150 owners and special guests will be attending the three-day event happening May 2-4, 2014.
What’s making this year’s Rendezvous such a huge occasion is the milestones being recognized throughout the weekend celebration. Most notably will be the commemoration of the 10th Anniversary of the Nordhavn Atlantic Rally (NAR) featuring a festive dinner/dance and ceremony. The company will also be marking cruising achievements by several of its owners who have accomplished landmark mileage totals on their Nordhavns with a Distance Pennant awards presentation. (The Distance Pennant program was initiated by the company in 2008 as a means of tracking the mileage Nordhavn owners have traveled on their boats. The current total stands at more than 4,880,000 miles.)
In addition to these celebrations, the Rendezvous will include an extensive seminar series spanning two days, fun parties, as well as an Exhibitors tent which will serve as a mini-boat show featuring select sponsors of the Rendezvous who will show off their latest wares, offer information and answer questions. At the same time, Nordhavn’s Southwest Sales office will play host to an Open House of several of its models for invited Nordhavn prospects to inspect.
“This Rendezvous is set to be one of our most memorable ever,” said Jim Leishman, vice president of PAE. “It will be a celebration of great achievements by our owners both past and present, and of the tremendous Nordhavns themselves.”
The rendezvous has been months in planning and could not be pulled off without the immense assist from Nordhavn’s key sponsors: IMTRA Corp., Cascade Engine/John Deere, Crown LTD/Ardeo Designs, ABT Trac, Steelhead Marine/Pacific Coast Marine, Hayden Insurance, Northern Lights, Marina Coral, Aegis Marine, Jeddy’s Interior, SeaVision Underwater Lights, Alcom Electronics, Prime Fabrication and Outbound Yacht Services.